Are you an unemployed university graduate? Are you a young freelancer?

The non-profit civil partnership “Thessaloniki IQ” is implementing the Action Plan "Local Platform for Employment and Entrepreneurship of Young Scientists in Innovation, Research and Technological Development", under the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development" - Web Priority 3 "Facilitating Access to Employment."

The Plan includes actions studies, networking, Information & Awareness, Counseling, Support for employability, entrepreneurship and innovation development, and training activities - training in professions relevant to the interests of the beneficiaries, such as:
• Innovation & Entrepreneurship
• Health, Safety & Technology of Foods of Animal and Plant Origin
• Biotechnology and innovation in the agri-food sector
• Design and operation of modern supply chains
• Sustainable management of water environment
• Management the destination for sustainable tourism development (Destination Management)
• Design and development of new, multi - functional and intelligent materials
• Applications of bioinformatics in the field of life sciences, healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry.
To find out more, please access the following links: